How to change case in word 2003
How to change case in word 2003

how to change case in word 2003 how to change case in word 2003

tOGGLE cASE: This makes the first letter of every word lowercase and the rest of the letters UPPERCASE.Capitalize Each Word: Capitalizes the first letter of every word.

how to change case in word 2003

UPPERCASE: Makes every letter UPPERCASE.lowercase: Makes every letter lowercase.Sentence case: Capitalizes the first letter of the first word in a sentence.The following types of capitalization are available: Select the desired type of capitalization from the drop-down menu. Then, click the “Change Case” button on the Home tab. To change the case on text in a Word document, select the text you want to change and make sure the Home tab is active. Did you type a line of text and then realize that it should have been capitalized differently? Instead of typing the line again, you can quickly and easily change the case of any text in Word without retyping it.

How to change case in word 2003