Another word for things i am good at
Another word for things i am good at

#6 It’s said that what does not kill us makes us stronger. Sending best wishes for a quick recovery. #5 Wouldn’t it be great if life were like a video game and drinking a potion or using a power-up would immediately bring recovery to full health? If I could mix you an elixir or hand you a magic heart to get you past this post-surgery period, I’d do so in an instant. I am sending best wishes for a comfortable recovery. I hope you’re now beyond the worry and into a more relaxed state of healing. #4 Medical procedures are often a cause for anxiety beforehand and one for relief thereafter. I am a call or text away if you feel up to talking. Or, at the very least, may the pain medicine be helpful. #3 As you come out of surgery, may the scarring be small, the pain minimal, the nurse caring, the doctor friendly, the recovery swift, and the outcome an improvement. I am one of those people, cheerleading for you to come through this current challenge. However, one thing is sure, and that is the fact that it is still a beautiful world, filled with the love of those who hold you dear. #2 Life can sometimes feel a little uncertain. I am sending you warm wishes for healing and comfort. I hope you have more sunny days than dreary, and that the shadow of surgery vanishes quickly. #1 Sending uplifting thoughts of pain-free days filled with good health as you recover from your operation. Scroll down for inspirational quotes for surgery recovery. If you are wondering what to say to someone recovering from surgery, here are 125 positive words of encouragement after surgery for friends and family that will bring your loved one healing.

Another word for things i am good at